
Austria - Präauhochalm - a Gastein Ride

Präauhochalm 1830m
It's a long hard ride up to Präauhochalm. Unfortunately, I chose to do it in late season and there was no food at the Alm. The Farmer and his wife were packing up the Alm for the winter and stacking wood ready for next year.
The Farmer told me to help myself to a cold beer from the cattle trough. Very refreshing it was too.
The dog gave me a barking good welcome and happily joined me as I supped my ale.
The ride up starts on the road from Dorfgastein to Unterberg. There is a turning off to the left signposted to the Strohlehenalm. I did not go there, I had loftier ambitions. It's a long climb, over 1000m signposted all the way.
My new friend
I told the Farmer I found the ride hard. 
He told me I was right - only the best make it up here!
Anyway its a lovely rustic hut and another one ticked off on my biking to do list.

View from the Alm
Strohlehenalm - on the way up

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