Flowers, Marmots and Snow in Summer
TW ready for a hot drink |
It’s been an up and down couple of weeks in Gastein. Apart from all the mountain walks and the cycling, the temperature has been climbing and falling quite a bit. TW was not too impressed with the four inches of snow we found at the top one day.
Marmot exclusive - in a bit of a hole |
Not sure what the marmots think of it all. They hibernate under the ski pistes in winter but have the run of the place now. They don’t take too kindly to my wanderings and let out one helluva shout when they see me approaching. They are pretty elusive, this little groundhog scurried down into its burrow when I tried to take a picture. Have noticed in the shops some form of medicine or ointment that they make from Marmot so don't blame him for being less than welcoming.
The hairy bottomed snow bell? |
The mountains look green from a distance but viewed close up there are a myriad of different flowers making up the pastures. TW has a little book on the Alpenblumen and has been trying to translate the names into English. Some are pretty straightforward others like the Narzissenblutiges Windroschen turn into 'Daffodils Bloody Wind'. We have not seen too many of those fortunately. Einkopfiges Ferkelkraut she alleges is a 'single headed cat’s ear', not sure that I’ve seen that on a packet of seeds. We have seen plenty of Gentian and Enzian though. The locals use the Enzian roots to make a particularly potent type of schnapps so they make sure that they proliferate!
Empty seats at the Bathing Lake
It looks very nice at our local bathing lake but nobody has turned up yet. Maybe they are all in the bar? So, in the absence of anyone to talk to I had better do my Dr. Doolittle and meet up with some of the local animals.
A Moo with a view. |
Like your earrings!
High country blonde - no salons up here |
Husky Maiden with nice grey eyes |
When you approach an animal its best to show them the back of your hand and they know you are friendly. Tried it on this Husky Guard dog and it worked, just a pussy cat. Sadly it did not like being stroked. Still have all my fingers - just! Happily the doggie was on a chain and I can jump pretty quick when snapped at!
Is it a toad or a frog? Toads have toes so its a toad
Fortunately this big fella can jump as well and didn't get under my cycle wheels as we peddled up to Prossau
Now, you really should come out of your shell.
Could not get a picture of a Marmot, they are far too fast, but this is a really big snail. |
Think I'll leave animals to the experts - goats at the Hochalm |
Bovine Inspiration |
This is cow is the centre-piece of a natural garden. Note the careful arrangement of the Alpenblumen and the rocks. Could be a winner at RHS Chelsea? As long as the cow doesn't eat it all first of course.
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