Austria in Summer 2015 #1

Trips to Austria in the Summer of 2015. 
Walking on Graukogel
Walking Rule 1 - never look at a map
The first trip was in June/July and involved the usual mix of walking, cycling and eating.
The most memorable walk was to the Palfner See. A lovely sunny day made for a pleasant ride up on Graukogel chair-lift and then a wander on a fairly level track to Palfner See. We planned to head back on the same path to the lift for a bit of lunch but AG consulted a map! An alternative lower path proved to much lower than it looked on the map and was probably only appropriate for Mountain Goats. So the rest of the day was spent walking downhill to the village.

Walking Rule 2 - take food if you are not going to pass a Hut
We walked on in an advanced state of famine.

Walking Rule 3 - don't walk downhill it ruins your knees.

Walking Rule 4 - take water - at least we got that right.
Not always Summer
