'Anyone for Tennis' on Clay in Bad Hofgastein

We tried our luck on the Tennis Courts in Bad Hofgastein. There's a nice club here with several clay courts. It was a bit of a strained experience as there was an Austrian Club Championship match on the adjacent court. Bit of a worry with my errant balls likely to disrupt their crucial encounter. There was a match announcer on a Tannoy . 'vill the english on Court One please control their balls'. Not really, they were pretty friendly. One particular challenge is to how to brush the court after use. There is a set route to drag the tool (a 1 metre square  net) over to get rid of our footmarks. Start at the net and drag it around in a spiral to a point in the middle of the court, according to TW. Bit tricky for me. With a small crowd watching it was an uncomfortable experience. The court cost just under 10 Euros for an hour. At least we have been invited back.
