
Gasteiner Perchtenlauf 2010

The streets of Bad Hofgastein hosted an amazing procession this week. It happens every four years. To be honest, I expected a very sombre and worthy religious style procession. Should have known better! The main body of the procession was made up of men with elaborate and mostly ornamental and flowery head dresses that weigh up to 50 Kilos. Its not every day you see a chap walking along with a goat on his head, or half a stag. It's quite a feat of endurance as they carry them right along the valley. Every few minutes they do a twirl and bow to the crowd. They each need an assistant, a traditionally dressed 'female' to help them lift the head display. Women are not allowed to be part of the procession so these ladies in waiting are not pretty! The procession has been passing this way since the 12th century and there are all sorts of characters from King Herod to Krampus. To give you a flavour, there was a chimney sweep who's task was to climb up on the roofs alongside the procession and shovel snow from the roofs onto the spectators. A guy with a false nose was stealing peoples hats. Monsters are on hand to chase and frighten the children. There were bears, clowns, Roman centurions, singers. Just a normal crowd in the High Street! It's all supposed to bring good luck and good health so I am all for it. It would take a few more centuries to know fully what was going on but everyone enjoyed themselves.

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